Invitation-only Event



Yield Curve and Historical Default Analysis under Domestic Credit Rating Score.

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09:30 - 11:00, Thursday, August 15, 2024

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Conference hall (Mezzanine Floor) – Peakview Tower, 36 Hoang Cau, Dong Da District, Hanoi

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Language: Vietnamese


Database on yield curves and related analyses, such as credit spreads and historical default in correlation with credit ratings, constitutes essential elements of any capital market. On July 2, 2024, FiinRatings published its report on “Yield Curve and Historical Default Analysis under Domestic Credit Rating”, which has ever since received positive feedback, sparked interest, and prompted several inquiries from market participants regarding the application of yield curves in evaluation, risk management, and bond selection.

As a result, with the aim of facilitating a deeper understanding and discussion among market participants on yield curves and historical defaults, as well as the significance and applications of this research for individual and corporate investment activities, FiinGroup, in collaboration with FiinRatings, is organizing a seminar titled “How to Determine if a Bond is 'Expensive' or 'Cheap'?” with detailed agenda as follows:

Key Discussion Topics

1. Corporate Bond Market Overview & Summary of Research Findings on Investment Information:

  • Market Updates and Outlook
  • Yield Curves and Their Implications for the Market
  • Bond Yield Spreads
  • Historical Default Rates and Their Implications for Investment Risk Management

2. Profitability and Risk in Bond Investment:

  • Understanding Profitability and Risk in Corporate Bond Investment
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Profit and Risk to Help Investors Make Informed Investment Decisions

3. Application of Analytical Techniques in Practical Investment:

  • Selecting Corporate Bonds for Investment (What Makes an Attractive Investment Opportunity)
  • Post-Investment Risk Management
  • Asset Allocation Strategies
  • Bond Valuation
  • Bank Credit

For inquiries or further information, please contact Ms. Do Viet Khanh Chi at or via phone at (+84) 904881705.


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Mr. Nguyen Quang Thuan, Moderator

Chairman of FiinGroup & CEO of FiinRatings

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Mr. Tran Phu Viet

Head of Research & Product Development, Financial Data Division, FiinGroup

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Mr. Nguyen Nhat Hoang

Head of Corporate Credit Rating Division, FiinRatings

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Ms. Duong Kim Anh

Chief Investment Officer, Vietcombank Fund Management

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Ms. Trinh Quynh Giao

CEO, PVI Asset Management